Your concern. Our response.

How can we simplify compliance to UDI requirements in the long-run?

Ben, Q&R
Ben's concerns
Some UDI markings get damaged due to long- term usage or mishandling of assets.
Although we have greatly improved our UDI requirement capabilities, we feel like we could do even better to guarantee long-term efficiency, although such long- term solution seems impossible to find at the moment.
Impossible? Not with SMADE!
Our response
All SMADE smart solutions provide a digital ID and lot number for your trays and sets. UDI marking is guaranteed in the long-term, with no risk of damage. You will be able to register your trays’ UDI directly into the different modules that we offer. By simply having a module integrated to your tray, you will be able to register your tray to our platform, and ensure that the correct UDI is associated with the correct tray at all times. There will be no risk of coming across damaged UDI markings on mishandled trays, or simply not finding it anymore, as all will become electronic and saved on the platform!

Digital ID

Tray UDI access from anywhere, at any time

Long-term UDI secured