We are thrilled to inform you about the latest enhancements to SMADE solution, specifically within S-HUB.

We have redesigned the Asset Details View to provide a more intuitive experience, focusing on better separation and accessibility of key information.
Here’s a summary of the new and improved features:

Latest Activity tab 🎉

Easily find the most recent status of an asset, including:
• The last known location of the asset
• The number of high-temperature cycles the asset has undergone and the date of the most recent cycle
• Weekly high-temperature cycle data
• The date of the last data transmission
• The date when the asset was created
• Notes: This redesigned section now gives more prominence to the notes feature, which is
crucial for monitoring and tracking your asset. The space allocated displays the 10 most recent notes, with a “View More” button to access a modal containing all notes

Asset Info 🗂️
Find all relevant asset information is now conveniently grouped in a dedicated tab and can be edited via a modal.

Location History tab becomes Activity History 📘
This allows you to access detailed historical data of an asset. Clicking on a high-temperature cycle line within this section opens a modal displaying the location data and other relevant details.

Tip 🤩
Remember to configure the columns you wish to display for more precise searches and

We believe these improvements will greatly enhance your experience with S-HUB, making asset management more straightforward and efficient.