Need to know your asset tracking jargon?
Stagnant? Dormant? Lost-in-transit?
Fugitive? Silent? Non-operational day?
Mastering the jargon of alerts and analytics is key to understanding your fleet’s behavior and engaging in the right actions, at the right time, with the right person to achieve peak performance. Our glossary will turn you into an expert in the language of asset tracking!

Assets located in the same hospital for at least X* days and have not seen a high temperature cycle for over X* days.
- Spot hospitals that retain your loaners for too long without using them
- Spot hospitals that are not using your consigned equipment, prevent further loaners towards these, and reallocate resources across your territory
- Reduce your non-operational days

High Temp cycles
1 washing, 1 autoclave, or 1 washing +1 autoclave very close to one another (no time to get cold in between)
- Be notified when an asset is ready to be picked up
- Identify hospitals that request a set but don’t use it
- Understand activity level of your fleet

Assets that have been traveling for at least X* days.
- Identify assets that are stuck at a carrier facility or at a sales rep's house
- Identify assets caught up in suboptimal trajectories by carriers

Assets that have not transmitted any data in X days.

Consigned assets that have left their hospital and have not arrived at a distribution center after X* days.
- Keep track of abnormal trajectories and prevent unauthorized relocations

Assets located in the same owner or customer for at least X* days.
- Spot assets that are underutilized
- Reduce investment at time of equipment renewal

Hospitals visited
Number of different hospitals visited throughout the month.
- Identify top customers

In-field transfers
Assets that have been transferred from one customer to another, bypassing the distribution center in the process.
- Keep track of asset movements that are not authorized or entered in your system
- Back-up your discussions with sales rep with data, and prevent such behavior in the future

Number of times assets were delivered to customers.
Number of assets that visited at least 1 customer.
Average number of customer visits per asset.
- Measure your fleet productivity and set targets
- Identify top branches
- Reallocate consigned assets to better serve your top loan requesters

Non-operational days**
Cumulative count of days during which assets were dormant / stagnant at owner / customer, and/or lost-in-transit throughout the month.
- Measure and improve fleet productivity
- Understand your operational time loss

Loan cycles completed**
Assets located in the same local branch for at least X* days.
- Reduce loan cycle time and increase hospital deliveries
- Measure and improve fleet productivity

Total assets that are transmitting data.
*Varies based on your workspace thresholds. Typical thresholds are: 5 days for dormancy / stagnancy, 5 days for lost-in-transit, 5 days for fugitive.
**The exact definition of this analytic will vary depending on your fleet’s typical asset trajectories.