Case studies

The Case of the
Disappearing Kits

Based on a true story

How SMADE Turned Chaos into Cash 💰

Picture this: medical kits filled with essential equipment that mysteriously disappear.
They’re forgotten at facilities, left behind in homes, or sent to the wrong locations.
It’s like an endless search. 🧐—but expensive!

Introducing SMADE:
Your Kit-Tracking Hero 🦸‍♂️

With 52 kits equipped with SMADE smart trackers, the facility finally gained superpowers.
Real-time tracking meant no more playing detective—every kit was right where it was
supposed to be, instantly visible.

The results thank to SMADE


Saved by avoiding 6 lost kit write-offs.

2 weeks

Saved per recovery—kits were found and returned faster.

6 extra

Procedures per month thanks to better kit management.


In extra revenue, adding up to $500K/year!

With SMADE save more than just money


Dramatically reduced the risk of lost tools and kits.

Less expired inventory

Surgeries ran more smoothly, even with the same number of orders.

Increased efficiency

Higher activity rates and faster operations.

Quantifiable results

Direct financial benefits, making it easier to see the value of SMADE.